A well-tuned marketing strategy can make your brand a success.
While the principles for developing a marketing strategy remain the same, in 2022 alone we will see a significant shift towards different types of content, such as short videos. So, for example, you need to start with a customer problem, do a SWOT analysis, track your competitors, and try to identify their weaknesses that make you stand out.
The rise and fall of new platforms is amazing (looking at you, Mark Zuckerberg - we were shocked when you announced what's called Meta!).
Let's not forget what the global pandemic did to us (its effects continue to this day!). As a result, all businesses are undergoing digital transformation faster than ever before.
In short, it has served your marketing strategy well in the past, but it doesn't necessarily work the same today.
With this in mind, you need to know everything to understand how to create a marketing strategy and optimize it over time.
Let's first take a closer look at the exact meaning of marketing strategy.
This seems like a fairly simple term, and we don't even need to define it.
But after a closer look, you'll find that many practical concepts start with this simple term!
At first glance, this is a way to outline advertising and generate leads. But when you take that concept to the real world; You'll find it's much more complicated!
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